Fitness Science: Changes In Cortisol That Affect Your Body Shape, Here's What You Need To Know
Mar 09, 2024Most of us have probably heard of cortisol and we all associate excess cortisol with a loss of muscle and an increase in belly fat.
Mr Bodybuilding Olympia, The History You Didn't Know
Feb 21, 2024The mr. Olympia is undoubtedly the standard by which the world's greatest bodybuilders are measured, and all bodybuilders are proud to compete in the olympia.
What Happens To The Body Of a Gym-Goer Who Only Trains For Strength And Not For Cardio?
Feb 03, 2024Most people who train in the gym do so with one goal in mind, and that is to develop a durable body. The first is a natural body with no lines, while the second is a muscular body with angles and visible signs of training. From my experience and experience in the gym, most people tend to have the latter - a muscular body.